mayo 18, 2006

Piscina, lago, océano o bañera

En materia del comercio internacional, un país debe decidir en que aguas debe nadar. Décadas atrás, los venezolanos nos encontrábamos en una piscina, no muy grande pero aceptable mientras nuestros ingresos petroleros nos permitían cambiar con frecuencia el agua y pagar el cloro. No obstante, al bajar los ingresos, el agua en la piscina, por razones naturales sobre las cuales prefiero no extenderme, comenzó a calentarse desagradablemente, por lo que autorizamos a unos negociadores a salir a buscarnos un lago fresco. 
Nos consiguieron uno muy bello, el Lago del Pacto Andino, pero en lugar de dejarnos durante un buen tiempo en él, aprendiendo a nadar en aguas naturales, nuestros gobernantes, por echárselas de modernos, fueron y nos lanzaron al océano. Tragamos agua, nos asustamos, solicitamos regresar al lago, o quizás hasta a nuestra vieja piscina, pero esta vez nuestros yo-no-se-qué, echándoselas de primitivos y originarios, decidieron meternos en una bañera.
Pues bien, ahí en la bañera no podemos quedarnos, ya se notan las rayas de mugre y tampoco es segura, por cuanto se te monta un bruto encima y capaz te ahoga. Ahora bien, lo peor de estar en la bañera es que ello conduce a Venezuela a un proceso involutivo, donde hay que asegurarse de que cada generación sea más bruta y más mente de pollo que la anterior, ya que ésa es la única manera como evitar que los jóvenes capaces y con iniciativa nos abandonen para buscar su océano.
Y no es que esto nos esté ocurriendo en una época donde una bañera de repente pudiera haberse visto hasta como un exótico jacuzzi. ¡No! Ocurre justamente cuando todo el resto del mundo anda corriendo para aprender a nadar en el océano, para no tener que acabar limpiando bañeras en otros países. No encontraremos en nuestra historia un período de tanto empequeñecimiento. ¡Ah!... pero nos dicen que buscamos crear una bella piscina con MERCOSUR… ¿Quién va a tragarse que ellos abandonarían el océano, sólo por bañarse con nosotros? 
De seguir por la ruta de esta inconsulta ocurrencia vuelta imposición, sólo terminaremos bañándonos, hasta el alba, en unas aguas turbias, ensuciadas por quienes ni siquiera son familia. Yo sí estuve entre los que en su momento alertaba que estábamos apurando demasiado nuestro paso de piscina a océano, pero igual sigo convencido de que Venezuela, con inteligencia, debe y puede aspirar a competir con éxito surfeando las olas de la globalización.

El Universal

mayo 16, 2006


On December 4, 2005, elections for congress were held in Venezuela. Although everyone is aware that it is a country where opinions are highly divided, the result was that 167 representatives who favor the government of Hugo Chávez were elected, and none, zero, zilch, of who differ with him. There are many explanations for these results, including the fact that most of the opposition withdrew their candidacies in protest a couple of days before the election but, at the end of the day, they are all irrelevant since a 167-to-0 ratio is plainly not acceptable. Just as Democrats would not stand for a United States Congress made up 100% of Republicans, and just as Republicans would not stand for a Congress made up of 100% Democrats, this principle is just as true in Venezuela.
With these election results, and with the governments accepting them as legitimate and not doing anything about them, any of us who believe in liberty have no other choice now but to make our protests heard, even if this is with a tiny and only slightly noisy voice.
The following are the first two comments I wrote for the press outside Venezuela. I hope they will get published.

What is the financial world to do with Venezuela?
Sir, In Venezuela, as in most other countries, Congress is supposed to exercise control over the executive branch. For instance, its Constitution establishes that ‘No contract in the municipal, state or national public interest shall be entered into with foreign states or official entities, or with companies not domiciled in Venezuela, or transferred to any of the same, without the approval of the National Assembly.
Now, even though Venezuela is currently known as a very polarized nation, the fact is that after the elections of December 4, 2005, its Congress includes 167 members who are in favor of and obedient to him who wishes to be called ‘Commander’, and 0 representation for those many who are not in the least in agreement with Chávez´s confused ramblings of his vision of a twenty-first-century socialism. This indeed poses some serious questions about its legitimacy and therefore some serious challenges for those who issue opinions.
For instance, what are legal counselors or credit-rating agencies to do after they might receive a letter from a Venezuelan citizen (or perhaps even read this letter in FT) informing them that sooner or later the debts now contracted by Venezuela might be questioned as ‘odious debt’, as they are not duly approved by a legitimate congress (167-0), nor are they needed, as can be evidenced by the many donations Venezuela, with its own so many very poor, has recently made, among them, to the relatively few somewhat poor of Massachusetts.
Sir, if a company like Nike has to worry about the labor conditions in the factories to which they outsource their production, why should the financial world be allowed to ignore civil representation issues in those countries it helps to finance?

Massachusetts, please show some dignity!
Late in 1998, the price of a barrel of oil fell under 7 US$, but we never heard anyone volunteering to help out Venezuela’s poor. In December 1999, Venezuela suffered some horrendous mudslides, but, when the US sent some well-equipped engineer corps to help out, Hugo Chávez, the president of Venezuela, refused them. Massachusetts has a yearly per capita income of US$ 41,801, while Venezuela has slightly less than a tenth of that, US$ 4.020
The ad in which Citgo, the oil company in the United States owned by PDVSA, the Venezuelan state owned oil company, announces the program shows a picture of a large, two-story, typical Massachusetts detached house, with a small garden and a big tree in front, beautifully decorated with what looks like Christmas ornaments, and a completely lit up porch. Please compare that house with our shanty towns in Venezuela. Of course it is a wrongly chosen photo, and your Massachusetts poor do live in bad conditions, but, in fact, that they were not even able to choose the right picture just adds salt to our national injury.
The same ad, spelling out the partnership between PDVSA and the government of Hugo Chávez, ends with the statement: “The fuel assistance program isn’t about politics. It’s about offering humanitarian aid to those who need it. What could be more American than that?” The radical leftist Noam Chomsky recently described this as “one of the more ironic gestures ever in the North-South dialogue,” but I, as a Venezuelan, can only classify it as a gesture of utmost cynical insolence.
Many Venezuelans are upset with Chávez giving away money all over the world, while our own country has so many very much poorer people but, currently at least, there is very little we can do about it and much less so after the elections for congress held on December 4, 2005. Although everyone knows that Venezuela is a country where opinions are highly divided, the result was that 167 representatives who favor the government of Hugo Chávez were elected, and none, zero, zilch, of who differ with him. There are many explanations for these results, but, at the end of the day, they are all irrelevant since a 167-to-0 ratio is plainly not acceptable. Hey, even Mugabe in Zimbabwe has a 107 to 43 to show for multiparty democracy there.
In these circumstances, I wonder, would it be too much to ask for some dignity in Massachusetts? Do you really take any gifts from anyone? Where is the limit?
Extraído de Voice and Noise, Mayo 2006